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Baltimore Med Mal Lawyers / Maryland Skull Fractures or Bone Fractures Lawyers

Maryland Skull Fractures or Bone Fractures Lawyers

Childbirth can be difficult for a baby. Traveling through the birth canal and trying to navigate the mother’s pelvis can be a challenge, especially if the baby’s head is too big. This could cause problems with labor and delivery, such as broken bones.

Skull fractures and fractures to the clavicle and humerus happen often. But because the skull and other bones tend to be flexible, they allow the baby to be delivered easier. They are not hardened and fused together, so if they do break, they tend to heal easier.

However, babies are still vulnerable and when they suffer fractures, they can suffer from complications such as nerve damage and mobility issues. Has your baby suffered a fracture to the skull or other bones? If so, see how the Maryland skull fractures lawyer at Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman can help

Causes of Bone Fractures in Newborns

Most fractures in newborns result from the use of instruments during a difficult labor. When labor is difficult, lasts a long time, or the baby is in a breech position, the doctor may use tools such as

forceps and vacuum extractors. While these tools can provide assistance, they need to be used properly. When too much force is used, the skull can fracture.

When a baby is too big or born too quickly, it’s possible for the shoulders and chest to get stuck. Since this situation causes the umbilical cord to get pinched, the doctor will try to deliver the baby without pulling on the head or neck. This means that the collarbone or humerus can get broken.

These are situations in which doctors should order C-sections. Once they recognize that delivery will be difficult, they need to take the proper course of action and this means not using too much force on the baby.

Types of Skull Fractures

There are several types of fractures that a newborn can experience:

  • Linear skull fractures. This is a minor fracture that causes a simple break, without the bone moving. While these fractures are usually not too serious, there may be some bleeding involved.
  • Depressed skull fractures. In a depressed skull fracture, the skull is sunken inwards. It can not only cause bleeding, but also put pressure on the brain. These are often caused by birthing instruments.
  • Diastatic skull fractures. These fractures occur along a suture. Because sutures expand as the brain grows, the fracture may also expand, causing damage.

Contact Us Today

Pressure from childbirth can cause a baby to be born with fractures to the clavicle, humerus, and skull. While these broken bones typically heal on their own, there are situations in which babies can be left with complications.

If your baby has suffered a broken bone during labor and delivery and has experienced complications as a result, seek legal help from the personal injury lawyers at Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman. We’ll fight for your legal rights and help you get the compensation you deserve. Call 410-998-3600 to schedule a free consultation.

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